The FIRST Thing to Think About When Put in a Survival Situation…

The FIRST Thing to Think About When Put in a Survival Situation…

February 14, 2021



The first thing to think about when you are placed in a survival situation is TIME… Extending the time you live from one moment to the next. Making that number as BIG as possible and giving your rescuers as much time as possible to find you.

How do you do that? The first thing you do is make a list of what will kill you quickest, and defeating those things until you can survive as long as possible. 


Let me give you an example. You should know that it takes a human 20-30 days to starve to death. Lack of food is not going to kill you very quickly so relax on that. 

Lack of water will kill you much quicker however. The human body needs water, we can survive without it for three to four days maximum. Access to drinking water is going to be much further up the list of things you need to survive. 


The most pressing issue facing you when stranded or lost, and in a survival situation, is SHELTER… You have 72 HOURS before dying of exposure even in the mildest of climates. Temperatures of 80-90 degrees trigger the most common exposure deaths, but even 70-75 degrees are tough to survive for long periods.

At 80 degrees, your exposure is flipped to hyperthermic, which is the exposure to HIGH temperatures. Finding shelter is important in EVERY temperature. 

Learning to build an adequate shelter from the elements, and a fire, is extremely important if you are going to survive even moderate outdoor temperatures, let alone extremes. 


Humans can survive without oxygen for 6 minutes in average conditions. Providing your body with fresh clean oxygen is the most important thing you can do to maximize your chances of survival. 


Black Cock Survival has many resources to expand your survival knowledge. Books, articles and videos that will teach you how to be very tough to kill. Sure we sell water purification, food, and apparel, but we aim to teach you to be a survivor. 

Rather than give you a box of matches, and some energy bars and calling it a survival kit, we would MUCH rather arm you with the knowledge and give you some tools to survive any situation in any climate. 


Everyone should have a survival kit in their vehicles. Most Survival kits take up very little space, and will save your butt if stuff goes wrong. However, if you REALLY want to survival-proof yourself, you will learn to build a shelter. 


You will know how to build a fire, water still, basic first aid, and what plants in your area are poisonous.  If you learn those things you will be very hard to kill. 


Just to recap: You will asphyxiate in 6 minutes without oxygen.  

You can survive from 3 to 72hrs without shelter. 

You can Survive 3 days without water.


Without eating you will die in 30 days on average. 


Do not hesitate to get in touch with us with your questions or comments about this or any other article. 


There are plenty of survival resources available, we are by no means the only source of good information. 


Check out the catalog if there are any holes in your survival equipment. We hope you trust us to fill those gaps.

By the Way: You should not find one item in our store that comes from China. Point it out to us if you find one, and we will resource it. 


We hope you never find yourself in a survival situation, if you do, we hope we can be there to pull you out of it.

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